Dog Respiratory Illness Notice:
Due to the Dog Respiratory Illness that was reported December 2023 we started asking all dogs to self-quarantine from community dog areas. At first it was all dog interactions for 15 days, but now we are just asking you to keep your pup away from dog parks, day cares and large dog gatherings for 10 days before coming to Mystic. There is always a possible virus going around, just like with humans.
– The latest info (including local veterinarians) is that there really was NO New respiratory illness, just more dogs got sick in 2023 due to people getting out and about again after covid and getting the normal cold viruses. If a new illness is discovered we will update our policy depending on recommendations.
– We have decided that it gives us less stress to know that all guests have NOT been around large numbers of dogs just before coming to camp as we care for many long term dogs and older dogs.
– We no longer require self-quarantine for grooming, vets and playing with friends dogs (unless your friends dogs go to dog parks/day care). Training classes depends on the number of dogs, the interaction and if its is in a well-ventilated area or not.
– If possible, all veterinarian and grooming visits should be scheduled 10 days before but if they do go within 10 days please make sure the business keeps dogs away from each other and that they are not kept longer then needed for the service.
– Remember all vaccinations need to be 2 weeks or more before coming here as the body needs time to process it.
– If your dog displays any signs of illness contact your vet right away and keep your dog home even if you had vacation or travel plans. Please look for signs of coughing, sneezing, eye or nose discharge, or just abnormally tired. They do not need to be coughing to have a illness. If you know your dog is not feeling well they will need to stay home and yes call your veterinarian.
– We will not be able to care for dogs who are sick as we can’t risk other guests.
– Even with asking everyone to self-quarantine, there is no way to completely ensure your dog will not be exposed to illness’s. We need everyone to fill out a medical directive, including financial decisions so the vet knows your wishes. If your dog does get sick, we will need to get them into a veterinarian.
– Please discuss needed vaccines with your veterinarian. Mystic recommends vaccinations to be given at least 14 days before they have full effect and 7 days before any stressful change in their live as if there a reaction you will be able to identify it easier at home. Some dogs are not candidates for vaccines and the current vaccines do not work for all illnesses, but they may help with the other known virus’s.
– Here at Mystic to reduce the spread of infection we clean all community dog toys and water bowls. We spray our play fields with Wysiwash; fully clean all rooms and spray with EfferSan, and provide new bedding between guests; wash bowls every day, provide good air flow and have Hepa/UV purifiers.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Cindy and Rebecca
Videos and information from December 2023:
Here is a great video on the subject:…
According to the University of New Hampshire, who have been studying this version, it started sometime in 2022. At this time they feel it is a new type of bacterial infection and it seems to be resistant to antibiotics. They are calling it a “Funky Bacterium” that can be tough to find and sequence.
Here is a great article from AKC