Tiva is a 10 year old Mustang Mare out of Wild Horse Beates Butte Or. She has a fun personality and is easy to ride. Tiva is an easy keeper and has lived near Seattle Washington since 2017 and was part of the 100 day Mustang Challenge in Monroe Washington. This mare is an amazing trail horse and able to be ridden by many people of different skill levels. She is as safe of a horse as you will find. No buck or kick and not scared on the trails. She is pretty bossy but fair with other horses and has been the lead mare with one other mare since 2018.
Due to Puget Sound allergies Tiva Mustang is looking for a new home east of the Cascade Mountains. Either Eastern Washington or Eastern Oregon. At this point we will not consider homes outside of Eastern Washington or Oregon as she is not used to the pollen’s in other states and we want her to be healthy and symptom free. Cindy has tried for years to keep Tiva in Puget Sound but has determined that the best life for her is to be away from all the Puget Sound allergies.
Tiva is very healthy outside of her allergies with no other health issues in her 6 years living with Cindy. She is a fun and safe horse to ride and we will be very careful on her new home. If she could stay on the West side of the Cascades she would have many people who would love to her in in their life.
Price is TBD
Tiva Training
2017: Tiva had 100 days of training with Whitney Campbell then competed in the 100 day mustang challenge in Monroe Washington 2017 with 2nd place. Please see the video Monroe Makeover -Mustang April Freestyle ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L68meLMJEhQ )
2018 – 2024
Tiva has mostly done trail riding with some arena and lots of ground work. She is good on single track trails and logging roads. Goes thru creeks, across bridges, lots of hill work and switch backs. She has been ridden with other horses but not large groups as Cindy does not like to ride with many horses. She rides by herself fine and does not mind leaving other horses on the trail.
Tiva has been on many trail systems in the Monroe area and loves to be up at Cowboy Campsite near Les Hilde Trailhead in Sedro-Woolley, WA
She has had lots of ground work done at liberty and on a long line. When free lunging with Cindy’s other horse she is very bossy and makes the other mare stay behind her. She is great on the ground and very respectful as this is required with Cindy’s horses, but she will test you.
Tiva is good at walking, trotting and cantering and really loves new trails. She does get bored with the same trail after a few times. She can be in the lead, middle or back of the pack and is find being ridden by herself.
She is very good with dogs, even allows Cindy’s ridgeback to jump on the side of the saddle for Cindy to pet her dog. She as been around many dogs as Cindy has a dog boarding business and the horses share a fence line with the guest dogs.
Tiva has had many riders with both English/endurance treeless saddles and with western saddles. She uses a variety of bits but mostly a Myler that will be going with her. Some of her riders are beginners and others are experienced.
She is good for the farrier, brushing, bathing, and blankets. She has never been clipped so I have no idea about that but I am sure she would be fine if you go slow.
No problems with trailering but may try to bite the horse next to her as she gets itchy and can’t scratch herself while trailering so she is tied in the trailer to limit her head movement. Tiva as been in a step in trailer where she turns around to exit the trailer. Tiva will need training to backup again but should not have a problem with it.
Tiva is on a 6 week schedule for shoeing as she grows her hoofs fast, her toes need to be trimmed short as they grow long. We keep shoes on her as we have hard logging roads with rough rocks behind Cindy’s house. She may be fine barefoot if given time to toughen up on the east side of the mountains and if the trails are ok. She also has used easyboots in the past and is a size 1. Her hoof wall is very thick and she has excellent hoof structure, see photos.
As she is a mustang, Tiva is very smart and a mare so she will test the rider. In the past Tiva tried to go into ditches by backing on the right side, you just need to be ready and not let her and she is fine. She is good with both crops and bumper spurs to manage her back right end, she never moves to the left. If she does this over unsafe locations then Cindy gets off Tiva until a safe location. This has been less and less but she might test a new rider. Tiva also loves to eat on the trail so the rider needs to keep that under control.
Tiva has been trained with positive rewards and fair corrections as needed. She is used to the crop and getting treats when she is doing something good. We give treats while putting on the saddle, picking up her hoofs, bathing and when putting on her many creams for her allergies. If you choose not to use treats she may be a little confused so you will need to give her time.
She is very safe around sudden movements like birds, elk and dogs in the bushes. She is not spooky.
Tiva has stayed in Monroe Washington since 2018 and lives on 3 acres with a dry lot during the winter and limited access to pasture during the rest of the year. She is in an open stall with paddock and has never been locked in a stall. She is very clean and will NOT poop or pee in her stall. She has trained my other horses to poop outside of the stall and likes specific areas to pee and poop. If she knows she is going into a trailer she will pee on the way as she hates peeing in the trailer.
Temperament = 4 (higher on new trails, lower on known trails)
Puget Sound Allergies in Washington State:
Tiva has a total of 37 reaction allergens out of around 90 tested. (grasses, weeds, trees, fungi, epidermads, and all tested insects). Cindy has had 3 blood testing panels completed 2019, 2020 and 2021. Allergy shots were given between 2019 and 2023. In addition to the testing Cindy feels the allergies start when Elderberry starts blooming about early April, they are not on the panels but it seems to either be elderberry pollen’s or other pollen’s that bloom at the same time.
Tiva 2021 Allergy Test (click to see PDF)
Tiva has no signs of allergies all winter, they go away end of October and come back early April.
Tiva did not have any signs of allergies in 2018 but after a couple of years on the west side of the cascade it started and got worse over the years.
Her Veterinarian has been Professional Equine Therapeutic Services with Dr Dana Westerman (DVM)
Allergy reactions = swollen teats, raw all over body (belly, mane, tail, front and face) and itching
Base supplement
– Platinum performance, 2018 – 2022
– Mad Barn = 2022 – 2023
– LMF Supper Supplement for grass hay = 2023 – 2024
Body products = Coat Defense, MTG mane and tail, cortisone cream, fly spray, many others
Medicines = Dex 1 pill 1x day and aller-tec (zyrtec) 10 pills 2 x day (Dex is only as needed)
Extra Supplements = see below for full list
Flax Seed: Spring – Fall of 2024 Cindy did give Tiva Flax seed oil which she is allergic to, totally forgot about that so the last 6 months may have been worse due to that supplement.
Tiva was on Dex 1 pill 2x day for over a year 2021 – 2022, this worked great and Cindy thought all was good and she could stay near Seattle. Due to the Dex, Tiva’s immune system was suppressed so she got abscesses in both feet spring 2022 that would not heal, we stopped Dex July 2022 and she did not have any additional hoof issues (she was xrayed to make sure the inside hooves were fine and it was). August 2024 Cindy started her on Dex 1x a day again as her allergies were just too bad and we were worried she would scratch her eye. This could have been due to the flax seed/oil or just other pollen’s.
Current food and supplements:
– Orchard grass hay, fed in a Porta grazer
– Access to poor quality pasture about 6 months of the year, with limited the rest of the year due to mud.
– Haystack naturals special blend: grass pellets and beet pulp (2 cups 2 x) (add warm water with supplements)
– LMF Supper Supplement for grass hay
– Springtime garlic
– Raspberry leaves, Mare Magic
– Spirulina Tablets (Springtime, 10 wafers 2x day)
– Red rock salt (and free access to a block)
– Quercetin 2 pills 2x
– LMF 911 Total Gut Care (calcite, yeast, saccharomyces, fermentation, calcium, butyric acid, Bacillus subtilis bacteria, probiotic and prebiotics)
– Silver Lining Herbs Immune Support (barberry, cascara, echinacea, eleuthero, garlic, licorice, olive leaf, parsley, plantain, red clover, rose hips, sarsaparilla, wheatgrass)
– Silver Lining Herbs Liver support (barberry, burdock, cascara, chamomile, dandelion, eleuthero, licorice, milk thistle, turmeric, yerba santa, Oregon grape, parsley, rose hips, yellow dock)
– Hemp Oil (replaced the flax oil)
Tiva/April Mustang Statistics
– Came from the Wild Horse Beates Butte Or, capture Nov 2015
– Stable market, Burns BLM Wildhorse Facility
– Estimated height 14.1 (now 14.2?)
– DOB per BLM 2013 but 2 vets in 2018 think 2014
– Freeze mark = 13023427
* Horse
* Female
* Face Whorls = 2
* Leg Markings = No white all 4
* Face Marking = No white
* Color = Bay
Vet Inspection Shipment 2017 pg 1
Vet Inspection Shipment 2017 pg 2
Vet Inspection Certificate 2017
Capture Health ID Record 2015 Pg 1
Capture Health ID Record 2015 Pg 2
– Part of 100 day Mustang Challenge August 2017
– Trainer Whitney Campbell of Lake Stevens, now Eastern Washington
– Picked up from Wildhorse Facility April 2017, horse named April
– Received 2nd place at the 100 Day Challenge at the Monroe Fairgrounds, see video
* Monroe Makeover -Mustang April Freestyle (youtube.com)
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L68meLMJEhQ
– Whitney kept Tiva/April after challenge as the winning bidder was not going to ride her and was going to keep her in a stall
– Whitney put her on Dream Horse and Cindy Hill found the ad spring of 2018
– Renamed to Tiva 2018 (Means Dance in Native America)
The Meaning & Origin of the Name Tiva
Tiva is a Native-American girl name, which has 4 letters. Tiva is a name derived from the Hebrew name Tiba, which means “dove.” It is also a variation of the name Tivon or Tivona, which means “good natured.”
Pronuncation Tee-vah
Alternate Meaning Dance
The name ‘Tiva’ is a feminine given name that originated in Hebrew and Arabic cultures. In Hebrew, Tiva is derived from the word “Tova,” which means “good” or “beautiful.” It carries positive connotations and is often associated with kindness, grace, and virtue. As an Arabic name, Tiva has a different meaning. It is derived from the word “Tiwa,” which means “gazelle.” The gazelle is known for its beauty, speed, and elegance, and these attributes are often associated with individuals who bear the name Tiva. Thus, in both cultures, the name Tiva carries a sense of goodness, beauty, and grace.