The below was posted to the Microsoft Animal Community Discussion board September of 2005
Conversation: recommendation, special needs boarding
Hi there, I just wanted to let everyone know about a new place that has opened up for pet boarding, specializing in special needs. I have always used a traditional kennel facility (never found a cage-free facility I was comfortable with) but our oldest dog is 14, slightly bowel incontinent, and sometimes has difficulty getting up, and falls easily.
Cindy Hill did a great job of providing not only for Yoshi’s needs, but for our 4 year old lab as well. Her setup worked well for both of them, and while Comet got romps in the field with Cindy’s Ridgeback and a day hike on the trails, Yoshi got a safe, comfortable environment with lots of love. I loved her general demeanor– it was very calm and relaxing and our boys responded to that immediately. She has a genuine love for all animals, and I felt very comfortable leaving the boyz up there.
Her facility is rather secluded (in Monroe up small mountain with a big, twisty dirt road) but she does have a shuttle service to the eastside.
I have tried several in home sitters in the past, but they have never worked out– Yoshi always seemed so much more stressed than if we left him at a kennel (even when we tried some friends that Yoshi knew). So for those looking for an alternative to in-home care but something more than a traditional kennel, Mystic Mountain is a great alternative: